Skyrim pc game review
Skyrim pc game review

I’ve notched up nearly 400 hours of play, and I still haven’t completed all of the side quests. I mean, literally hundreds, maybe hitting the thousand mark (I’ll have to check!). Oh my sweet Talos! There are more quests in Skyrim than you can possibly imagine. Now we come to the substance of the game: the quests. This gives you decent character development, as every great RPG should. That’s not to say that the fighting system isn’t gripping, as it definitely is, with neat level-up stages that deftly improve your self-styled character distinctively over the game. If I was to be critical of this amazing feat of gaming, my one gripe would be that perhaps they could’ve done with a few more creepy monsters for variation, instead of so many butterflies, fish or roaming creatures, but that’s Skyrim for you: unashamedly pretty to look at. When it snows you almost feel as if you should put a winter coat on, even though you’re indoors on a sweltering hot summer’s day. The atmosphere created by the changing weather, lighting and other environment effects are staggering. It’s just as enjoyable following a quest as it is walking through a shimmering forest glade sometimes (just watch out for wolves, bears and frost spiders, ok?!). It’s also beautiful an artwork of gaming. You don’t really realise just how huge it is until you’ve played it for a while and then realise that you’ve only found 5% of the locations and completed a similar amount of achievements.

skyrim pc game review

You may have heard this from others, but it bears repeating. Let me tell you a few things about Skyrim that you might not know if you haven’t played it.

Skyrim pc game review